Clywch adrodd mawr gariad
O ryfedd fawr gariad

Clywch adrodd mawr gariad
    Mab Duw ar y byd
Pan ddaeth Ef o'r nefoedd
    i'n prynu mor ddrud
  Er peri ichwi gofio
      am gariad Mab Duw
  A'i foli'n wastadol
      tra fyddoch chwi byw.

Fe ddygodd ar grogbren
    ein pechod bob un,
Fe'n golchodd o'n beiau
    trwy'i wir waed Ei hun,
  Fe'n gwnaeth ni'n frenhinoedd
      a 'ffeiriaid i Dduw:
  Moliannwn ni'r Iesu
      tra fyddom ni byw.

Gogoniant a gallu
    a diolch bob pryd
A fyddo_i'r lān Drindod
    am_ein prynu mor ddrud;
  A mawr glod a moliant
      i'n Prynwr a'n Pen,
  A dweded pob Cristion
      yn wastad - Amen!

             - - - - -

O ryfedd fawr gariad
    Mab Duw at y byd,
Pan ddaeth ef o'r nefoedd
    i'n prynu mor ddrud;
  Myfyriwn i gofio
      am gariad Mab Duw,
  A'i foli'n wastadol
      tra byddom yn byw.

Fe ddug ar y Croesbren
    ein pechod bob un,
Fe'n golchodd o'n beiau
    ā'i wir Waed ei hun,
  Fe'n gwnaeth yn frenhinol
      offeiriaid i Dduw:
  Moliannwn yr Iesu
      tra byddom yn byw.

Gogoniant a gallu
    a diolch bob pryd
A fo i'r Lān Drindod
    am pryniad mor ddrud;
  Boed mawrglod a moliant
      i'n Prynwr a'n Pen,
  A dweded pob Cristion
      yn wastad, Amen.
Rhys Prichard 1579-1644

Tonau []:
Joanna / Palestina (Caniadau y Cyssegr 1839)
Paderborn (Paderborn Gesangbuch 1765)

  O Gariad O Gariad anfeidrol ei faint

Hear the report of the great love
    of the Son of God towards the world
When He came from the heavens
    to redeem us in so dearly
  To cause you to remember
      the love of the Son of God
  And to praise him continually
      while ever you live.

He took to the wooden gibbet
    our sin every one,
He washed us from our faults
    through His own true blood,
  He made us kings
      and priests to God:
  Let us praise Jesus
      while ever we live.

Glory and power
    and thanks every time
Be to the holy Trinity
    for redeeming us so dearly;
  And great acclaim and praise
      to our Redeemer and our Head,
  Let every Christian declare
      forever - Amen!

                 - - - - -

O great wonder of the love
    of the Son of God towards the world,
When He came from the heavens
    to redeem us in so dearly;
  Let us contemplate to remember
      the love of the Son of God,
  And to praise him continually
      while ever we live.

He took to the wooden Cross
    our sin every one,
He washed us from our faults
    with His own true Blood;
  He made us royal
      priests to God:
  Let us praise Jesus
      while ever we live.

Glory and power
    and thanks every time
Be to the holy Trinity
    for a redemption so costly;
  And let great acclaim and praise be
      to our Redeemer and our Head,
  And let every Christian declare
      forever, Amen.
tr. 2012 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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